JM Massage Studio 9

Aromatherapy & Thai yoga massage


Here, I want to give my many thanks to the people who had ever helpled me make this webpage. One of the biggest thanks goes to Lin-Huie Chen, who recommends me an easy-use web-design software and a local hosting provider with a cheap deal to post my webpage on line. Secondly, I sincerely appreciate my the other friends, Marijke, Marcel and Mark, who were doing proof-reading for all the text in Dutch. Thirdly, I am very grateful for Kai-Yi and Liya's helps. They both are great model and amature photagrapher and made lots of nice photos for this webpage. Additionally, I would also like to give my many thanks for Eric, who helped resolve the technical problem of setting bilingual webpage. The last person, whom I would like to give my biggest thank, is my partner, Marty van Hoof. Without his supports, I would not have been able to open my own studio and made this webpage in Dutch. Thank you all. You guys are brilliant!