JM Massage Studio 9

Aromatherapy & Thai yoga massage

Tips for new clients

Before massage

  • Take it easy and feel yourself ready to receive a relaxing treatment.
  • For your own health, please have the meal 1 hr before receiving massage. 
  • If you have any health issue, please contact your GP for a consultation prior to coming for massage.
  • Before receiving massage, clients have the responsibility of informing the masseur their conditions, e.g. injury, diabetes, preganancy, menstruation, cardiovascular diseases...etc. This information is important for the masseur to prevent you from any possible harm or injury. Otherwise, clients would have to be fully responsible for any possibile risk.

  Thai massage

  • During Thai yoga massage, the clients are always with their clothes on. Please bring or put on comfortable wear, e.g. pyjama, sportswear etc when coming for Thai yoga massage or Thai foot massage.
  • For ladies, please do not put make up on your face due to the session (full-session and half-session) including face massage with massage oil. Otherwise, please bring your own make-up remover to clean your face before massage. 

  Thai foot massage

  • My studio is not able to provide foot reflexology tretament to the clients who have serious infection (eg. athlete's feet) on their feet or foot pads until the infection is treated.

 After massage

  • Drink plenty of water in the following 24hrs after the massage and take rest as much as you can because ur body is under the process of detoxification.
  • Avoid from over-intaking any drink within caffeine or alcohol.
  • Few of the people might have the "symdroms" of detoxification after receiving the treatment, e.g. dizziness, diarrhea, rash, sore in ur musscles, coming-up with a strong emotion...etc. They usually lasts for one day to a week. Please take more rest when the detox-symdroms appear. If the symdroms last over one week or come as a serious form, please contact your GP for a further consultation.